The worst kind of hurt: A review of Wolverine and the X-men #10

Now this is my only late issue I hadn’t read yet, now that I read it…I wish I hadn’t…Not because it is bad, but because of my feels.

Post contains spoilers

3 hours has passed since the Avengers first fought the X-men on the beaches of Utopia. Now the real problem that most on the battle field didn’t see is the pain Wolverine felt. He has been around a while and while he has a healing ability he still feels the claws come out. That was until he had to bring them out on people he once called family. After the fighting Wolverine returns to the Jean Grey school to wait for his next order. But he can’t relax for to long, Cyclops has just shown up on school grounds.

Inside Iceman and Rachel talk about Warren. Sadly, Rachel can not find any trace of the man they used to know in his mind. She has looked everywhere at it is all gone and something new has taken its place. When he first came he couldn’t even draw a stick figure. Now two nights ago he recreated the Sistine Chapel. Warren might be gone, but they should give the new Angel a chance. Iceman refuses to believe that though and thinks there must be a way to get his friend back. But they will have to talk about it another time, Rachel just noticed who is outside.

Back outside Cyclops says he comes in peace, but just 3 hours ago he was shooting eyebeams at Wolverine and Captain America. So Wolverine doesn’t buy it, however before things get to ugly Cyclops gets his point across and gets five minutes alone with Wolverine. As they walk through the school grounds, Cyclops talks and Wolverine listens. Cyclops asks him and the school to join them and for them to find Hope and let her embrace the Phoenix Force. However, Wolverine won’t have it. But he lets Cyclops talk. In the end, Wolverine stand by what he believes and sends Cyclops on his way.

During this time Angel flies off to prove he is a real angel by flying to Heaven. This fails and he passes out and starts to fall. If it weren’t for Genesis, he would have likely died. Warren comes to terms that he might not be a real angel. But Evan isn’t so sure, he asks Angel what he sees when he looks at him. Now the picture we are shown is an ugly and evil-looking face. But Angel tells him he only sees goodness in him. The two trying to figure out who and what they are might just become friends.

Wolverine follows Cyclops out and he asks Rachel if she heard. Turns out she did and she might not have been the only one. Others make it clear that they want a piece of this fight and when Wolverine tells them Avengers are always looking for help he doesn’t like what he hears next. As long as the school is covered they are free to do what they want. However, Iceman, Gambit, Rachel, and Angel( who wants to help Bobby) all head out to join the X-men in their fight.

Wolverine has watched the X-force fall apart and now he sees his school falling apart. He might be able to heal but this is real pain. Before he can really think about it though, the Avengers call. But the problems for the school have just begun. All the heavy hitters have left and now the Death Commandos have come looking for the Phoenix host, and they don’t care who they kill in their path.

So like I said above, I wish I hadn’t read this. Not because it is bad but it makes you really feel for Wolverine. In most cases he is seen as this badass who runs into danger and gets the job done. And that is true, but you have to think about what he loses sometimes to be that guy. Friends, family, and who knows what becomes lost when he becomes that guy. But he makes that point in the last issue of X-Force, people need him to be that guy. At the end of the day he might be wrong about Hope, but after seeing what happened to Jean I don’t blame him. Good luck Logan, you are going to need it.

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