Avengers in space! A review of Avengers # 26

The space mission to try to capture the Phoenix Force is a failure and some members of the team still can’t fight. But Beast is not ready to go home yet, for it they fail, there might not be a home to go back too.

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In Secret Avengers we saw the team try to fight the Phoenix Force head on. In doing so War Machine was badly injured and Thor and Captain Britain are lucky to be alive. But now they have to figure out their next move. They can’t seem to reach anyone back on Earth. So things are not looking good and there are no signs of it getting any better. Not to mention that the Protector might have other motives about the Phoenix Force.

While the crew tries to recover they also have to plan their next move. The have followed the Phoenix Force but with the cage destroyed they have no real way to stop it. They have landed on the Kree home world and the team now has to wait. Protector looks over the data they have on the Phoenix Force. The cage Beast had made should have worked. While the cage failed, they might have a second chance. It seems that Thor’s hammer was able to pull faint traces off the Phoenix Force as if it was dipped in it. With Thor’s hammer they might still be able to trap the Phoenix Force. He runs to get Beast and they head off for one last try.

Thor heads out alone to face the Phoenix Force. While Thor doesn’t seem to be doing much, he is hitting the Phoenix Force. He tries as hard as he can and in the end the Phoenix Force runs away. The pull Thor back into the ship and get ready to leave. With the readings they have now if they get back to Earth the Phoenix Force is going to go down. However, they might not get a chance.

Protector might be an Avenger, but he swore an oath. He must bring the Phoenix Force to the Kree home world. Meaning he can not let the team get back to Earth just yet. The team is taken by surprise, including Ms. Marvel. It is sad that with all the fighting between Avengers and X-men on Earth, the Avengers are fighting in their own team in Space.

While this is not a huge part of AvX as a whole. It is an interesting read and leads into the return of Captain Marvel to the Marvel Universe.

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