Can’t top this: A review of Deadpool Classics Killustrated #1

I know what you are thinking. Two Deadpool comics in one week? Am I dreaming? Nope this is for real baby!


Post contains spoilers!

Do you remember Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe? If you don’t you should feel bad! Either way it was a mini series in which Deadpool killed the Marvel Universe! Now this a sequel! Now I know they say the sequels is never as good as the original but if nothing else this comes close. It seems Deadpool has grown tired of killing the same Marvel characters over and over again. He needs fresh blood. He wants to kill the building blocks and hit creation where it hurts!

The whole idea behind Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe was that his eyes were opened and he saw the world as it was..just someone’s creation. Him and everyone he knew were just puppets in a story. It was up to him and cut the strings and set people free. But you can only kill Spider-man so many times before it grows old. He grows bored and tired. But if he gives up the puppet masters win! He must find the heart of creation..he has to take out the source! He has a whole team of mad scientists working on a way for him to do this!

I will try to explain this best I can for you guys. Deadpool has been jumping for reality to reality killing along the way. All in hopes of finding the “creators” and killing them. But in doing so he has trapped himself in an endless cycle of hunting and killing. They can always just write or create new things to stand in his way. Plus reality has its own built-in defenses. However there still might be a way. They have found a fissure. a hidden metaverse. Inside there they think exists creation’s early works. Now things like this can be very fragile. So the theory is that if these characters in the “ideaverse” were used as inspirational building blocks of everything else, taking them out would undo it all. It is like traveling in time to kill a parent so a child is never born.

Deadpool tries going to a library to do some research but him and books don’t mix well. After getting bored he finds there is one simple thing to do…kill them all! Now time doesn’t flow and move the same where he is going. So he will be moving randomly. The best thing they can do is give him the power to jump at will but not where he will jump to. Now he leaves and his mad scientists plan to save the world! However Deadpool leaves them a parting gift…killer robots.

He lands in La Mancha, Spain in 1610. He makes quick work of Don Quixote and moves on to Moby Dick! Captain Ahab fishes his out of the water after he kills the whale. Deadpool looks down and is holding…Pinocchio but as he looks at it turns into the Vision! It quickly fades and goes back to being a wooden doll. With Moby out-of-the-way, Deadpool turns on Ahab and his crew! However in London something strange has come to the hands of Sherlock Holmes! The game is afoot!

So like in Deadpool kills the Marvel Universe, we get a comics with the sole purpose of showcasing Deadpool’s love and skill for killing. I thought the last one was great seeing him fight different Marvel characters. But it might be even better to see him kill classic stories. I mean if I had this back when I was in school I might have actually read the books. It would have helped if I could have imagined Deadpool fighting them. Can’t wait to see what this brings us next!

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