More Kid Flash! A review fo DC Comics Presents #12

DC Comic Presents is exactly what it sounds like. It is different arcs with different characters that may or may not tie in with other books. I picked it up with week because it has my buddy Bart in it. Kid Flash is here to fight some Dino-teens! Just what New York needs!

Post contains spoilers

Now before I jump into this issue I am going to say this. If you read this issue and don’t fall in love with Bart Allen I don’t want to be your friend or ever speak to you. His inner dialogue is the most amazing thing ever. I wish Teen Titans had more of it. Hey DC, cancel Stormwatch and give Kid Flash his own book.

So back to our story, at the end of the last Teen Titan issue, Kid Flash was out getting some Chinese food and had a run in with three dinosaur teenagers. And that is the best way I can describe them. They are humanoid, but also dinosaur like. But not lizard people? We are going to just call them Dino-teens. Anyways, Kid Flash realizes that they came from Mystery Island through Danny the Street. He takes it upon himself to stop them and find out what is going on.

He meets the first one, Dac, who is like a pterodactyl but a teenage girl. She seems friendly enough and explains that they came here for adventure. But even with all the crazy stuff that happens the world, Dino-teens showing up in China Town is pretty crazy. So now Kid Flash has to find her friends, Teryx and Steg. How hard can it be to find some Dino-teens? Actually, before he can go look for them, Teryx comes and attacks Kid Flash. They two fight but this is Kid Flash we are talking about. He could have fought him and gone to get more Chinese food and still win. Once they make peace it is time to find Steg.

Now it doesn’t take long but Steg is not as laid back as the other two. He is freaking out that lizards are in cages in a restaurant. What we see as food or pets, he sees as family. Oh and it turns out that Steg might be some kind of radical Dino-teen. Which means that he was misunderstood and ran away with a girl who sees his “genius” The truth comes out that Dac and Steg had a plan all along. Now they are going on the run and leaving Teryx behind.

Dac promised to keep Steg in check and make sure he does not do anything too extreme, but he could destroy lives or start tuning people in to dinosaurs (Which actually doesn’t sound that bad) But some people might not like that. Now Teryx must join with the Teen Titans to stop his friends from wreaking havoc on this world. Should actually be pretty awesome to see. I wouldn’t mind seeing Teryx stay with the Titans. Might need a new name though…

We get to see the rest of the story in Teen Titans #12! And honestly, just read this comic to see what Bart says, it is all gold.

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